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Reviews from recent plays: A Radiant June Angela Dominates YOHEN

How generous an actor Danny Glover to cede the East West stage to June Angela's dominating performance, running the gambit of emotions from very proper Japanese to flirty date to full-blown, frustrated wife yearning for more, demanding for more of anything. Angela takes full advantage to tower over Glover's committed portrayal of an aged, fumbling, despondent. The stage is Angela's for the full 90 minutes. The one scene of levity Angela does hysterically, purposely off-target.
Brava June Angela!

It is a joy to have this much talent so explicitly exposed!

Stunning performance!

Absolutely superb!

Exceptionally cast. Angela is most compelling as she goes through each phase with complete fluidity... Angela is perfect!

A transcendent June Angela!

Remarkable performance!

And from musicals:

When June Angela raises her rich, gorgeous soprano in song, you're getting what you pay to get from a musical!

The show contains one superb performance, that of June Angela!


June Angela has a crystal clear soprano - and is perfect in the role!

June Angela is irresistible. Her acting dainty yet forceful, restrained yet moving and her singing is a carillon of delight!